I didn't realize how difficult it would be for myself to keep up with a blog. I'm learning slowly that it takes some dedication :-)
With Christmas coming very soon I've been busy(like everyone always is this time of year). I was lucky enough to make Christmas cards for a few people this year. It makes me feel good that someone would trust me with such a task. I enjoyed designing the different cards. I was surprised at how many different "Christmasy" designs I could come up with...I didn't want repeats because the cards were going to a lot of the same people ;-) Anyhow, I'm done now and I'm happy to say I'm done Christmas shopping too! It's such a relief. Now that I am ready for the holiday I have some ScrapTime! and that always means CardTime too! So, therefore, that should mean BlogTime as well...we'll see how it goes.
<3 Sarahendipity