Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tales of a One Year Old

The last couple of days have been difficult for my little one year old.  First she had the flu.  Since then she hasn't wanted to stay home.  Park, getting the mail, going shopping it doesn't matter; she just doesn't want to be home. Then tonight when I put her in the tub she burst out in tears...why, I didn't really know.  She loves the water and being in the tub (it wasn't too warm or too cold).  As she was screaming I was able to look into her mouth...the poor little thing is getting 4 teeth at once.!  I can't believe that she could get that many at once.  Now all of the whining and crying and being so needy makes complete sense to me.  So, here's hoping these next 4 teeth come in quickly!!!!!


  1. I have to tell you that this post brought back memories! My son cut 4 (yes, 4) teeth EVERY time! The first 4 (front) were the worst, after that he wasn't as cranky. I had to think about it positively~he may be cutting 4 but that's better than cutting one at a time :)

  2. Thanks for sharing :-) You're right, I guess it is better to get more done at one time ;-)
